Vases of Flora

I’m stoked to announce my new project: Vases of Flora! A endeavor that seamlessly marries the timeless beauty of nature with the elegance of pottery and imagery. In this unique project, i want to explore the art of adorning vases with exquisite illustrative florals, transcending traditional boundaries to create one-of-a-kind decorative artwork that become more than just tattoo– they become stories, expressions and moments. This project will be in only black and grey and select body areas. All Clients will not only get a Vases of Flora project tattoo, But also a limited lapel Pin and print. These will ONLY be available to project clients. Clients will get top priority and first available booking slots and include in the vases of flora book! For more information on booking please fill out the attached form! I’m super stoked and look forward to working with you!

Fill out my online form.



         1605 N.Franklin St Tampa, Fl 33602


Tuesday-Saturday 11a–5p